Danny Avidan

Danny Avidan (1989, Kingston, Jamaica) lives and works between Berlin e a Pesaro (Italy). 

He earned BFA with honor from Bezalel Academy of Art and Design | Fine Arts | Jerusalem, Israel in 2012 and he attended the Universität der Künste| Class of Christiane Möbus in Berlin in 2010-2011.

His exhibitions include two solo shows at Bark Gallery, Berlin (Tantava, 2020 | The Younger Dryas, 2019) e some groups shows: Roma Arte in Nuvola, Andrea Festa Fine Art, Rome in 2021; Swab Barcelona, Andrea Festa Fine Art, Barcelona in 2021; Erotic Salon, Noga Gallery a Tel-Aviv, in 2018.


The tragedy of Acis and Galatea

Danny Avidan