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Whit Harris

Whit Harris’ (*1985) sources of inspiration.The works of the Brooklyn, New York-based artist depict fantastical figures with exaggerated facial features,who vanish and resurface in gloomy environments. Her imaginative worlds draw inspiration from modernistslike Picasso, Chagall and Matisse, and delve even further into astrology and the mysticism of Greco-Romancosmology.

The Disturbers and the Defenders of the Public Peace 122x152 cm - 48x60 inch
The Disturbers and the Defenders of the Public Peace
Made Mad And Delirious And Blind By The Entry of A Mortal As Bright As The Morning, As White As Milk, oil on canvas, 2022
Made Mad And Delirious And Blind By The Entry of A Mortal As Bright As The Morning, As White As Milk
Then The Veils of Habit and Desire Covered Both Their Eyes, 2022, oil on canvas, 40x50 cm , 16x20 inches
Then The Veils of Habit and Desire Covered Both Their Eyes